Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Children's Programs and LGBTQ

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!  -Isaiah 5:20

Children’s Programing and Family Entertainment used to mean something.  It meant you could count on the programing to be free of sex, including heterosexual and homosexual sex.  No sexual immorality or inuendo.  It meant Christian folks could sit down with their kids and enjoy some safe entertainment. 

Sadly, that is no more. 

Today Children’s Programing is filled with direct and indirect attacks on Christian morality and traditional marriage and values.  Today Children’s Programing pushes same-sex marriage, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) indoctrination. Two girls kissing, two boys or men kissing.  Gone are the innocent days of youth.  Schools and libraries are filled with LGBTQ propaganda.  There are now drag shows for kids, and the military.  Gender Transition is praised and supported.  If you want to be a hero, just become LGBTQ. 

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS), paid for with your tax dollars, strongly endorses these lifestyles to adults, and children. 

For example, carried an article about Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt, R., axing a bill to fund PBS in Oklahoma.  Following are some quotes: 

"OETA [Oklahoma Educational Television Authority], to us, is an outdated system. You know, the big, big question is why are we spending taxpayer dollars to prop up or compete with the private sector and run television stations? And then when you go through all of the programing that's happening and the indoctrination and over-sexualization of our children, it's just really problematic, and it doesn't line up with Oklahoma values," Stitt told Fox News Digital. 

The governor’s office provided examples of OETA content that it considers objectionable, including a segment of "Let's Learn" in which a children’s book titled "The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish" is read by someone called Lil Miss Hot Mess. 

The governor’s office also pointed to a "PBS Newshour" feature on parents’ support for various gender care treatments including puberty blockers, a gay character in "Work It Out Wombats" which airs on OETA, PBS Kids’ "Clifford the Big Red Dog" introducing LGBTQ characters, a plethora of Pride Month programming on OETA, a special about a town of Christians and drag queens who "step into the spotlight to dismantle stereotypes," and a same-sex wedding featured on PBS Kids’ "Odd Squad." 

"Oklahoma taxpayers are going, ‘Hey, hang on, time out for just a second. That's not my values,’" he said. "I'm just tired of using taxpayer dollars for some person's agenda. I represent the taxpayers."

"PBS is clearly engaged in promoting inappropriate LGBTQ+ and critical race theory [CRT] propaganda to our children," Citizens Defending Freedom Chief Communications Officer Kristen Huber said in a press release Thursday.

Last week, Stitt also banned all sex reassignment procedures for minors in the state, including irreversible gender transition surgeries and hormone therapies, joining at least 15 other states with similar laws.

"We believe in traditional family values. We're not going to let biological males participate in girls’ sports," he [Stitt] said.  (End quotes)

Thank God for Governor Stitt, Governor DeSantis, Governor Abbott and others willing to stand for the traditional values most Americans have believed.  The values that have made our country strong. 

What can be done about this problem? 

1.  Get informed.

2.  Support those who take the right stands. 

3.  Vote your convictions.  Encourage others to vote. 

4.  Seriously pray for Revival, Spiritual Awakening in our land.

5.  Support your church and missions as never before.  

6.  When appropriate, speak out with tact and love.  

-David R. Brumbelow,, May 10, AD 2023. 

For more information: Trans Life Survivors by Walt Heyer.  Children’s books: Elephants are not Birds by Ashley St. Clair, Brave Books; Johnny the Walrus by Matt Walsh, DW Books. 


Jesus Christ on Same-Sex Marriage

LGBT and Suicide

Genesis 1:27

What the Bible Says About Homosexuality

News Media's Unbalanced Reporting of Same-Sex Marriage

What's Wrong With Communism?

Other Articles in lower right margin, Web Version. 

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