Tuesday, June 25, 2013

B. H. Carroll on the Gift of Tongues

Benajah Harvey Carroll (AD 1843-1914) was born in Mississippi, a veteran of the Civil War, and was pastor of First Baptist Church, Waco, Texas. 
B. H. Carroll was the founding president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fort Worth, Texas (swbts.edu). His sermons and writings have been influential in the Christian world.

Following are some of Carroll’s quotes on the Gift of Tongues:

The next question: Was the gift of tongues a power to speak in other languages, or a mere ecstasy, unintelligible to other people, and that the man himself oftentimes did not understand?,,,

Now, was it the power to speak in other languages? Certainly it was, or I have to take back what I said about Pentecost reversing the incident at Babel. Let the record answer whether this was a mere ecstasy, or actual power to speak in different languages:

"Now there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound was heard, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speaking in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying, Behold, are not all these that speak Galileans? And how hear we, every man in our own language wherein we were born?" (Acts 2:5).

That does not describe mere ecstasy, but the power to speak in the different languages; and the record goes on to specify the nations from which they came:

"Parthians and Medes and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, in Judea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, in Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and sojourners from Rome, both Jews and Proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues the mighty works of God."

While they were all Jews, yet Jews of the dispersion, who had ceased speaking the Hebrew tongue, they spoke the languages of the country where they lived, and what amazed them – the thing that startled them – was to see these ignorant Galileans, having a corrupted dialect of Aramaic, speaking better than they could these words in their own languages, to which they were born.
-B. H. Carroll, Interpretation of the English Bible, Acts 2.

Let me show that this speaking in tongues meant to speak in a language that a man had not acquired, and had not studied. Turn to Acts 2, where this gift is first manifested and commence at verse 6:

"When this sound was heard, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speaking in his own language. And they were all amazed and marveled, saying, Behold, are not all these that speak Galileans? And how hear we, every man in our own tongue wherein we were born? Parthiana and Medes and Elamites, and the dwellers in Mesopotamia, and in Judea and Cappadocia, in Pontus and Asia, in Phrygia and Pamphylia, in Egypt and in the parts of Libya about Cyrene, and sojourners from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabians, we hear them speaking in our tongues the mighty works of God."

A man must have more brass on his face than was ever in the brazen gates of Babylon to assume that that doesn't refer to speaking in different languages.

Here came a man from Cyrene over in Africa; there came a Roman; here a Cretan; there an Arabian; and they heard these men under the influence of the Holy Spirit speaking in the tongues in which they were born.

My second argument is based on 1 Corinthians 14:14: "If I pray in a tongue . . . my understanding is unfruitful." I don't know what the words mean, but if it was an ecstasy that language would not be so applicable. I have no doubt that when God gave power to Balaam's beast to speak audibly, his language was not understood by him. He spoke in a language that he himself didn't understand….

Let us advance again in the argument in this issue. Paul says, "If I speak in an unknown tongue which the people cannot understand, what good will it do unless I translate?" That shows that it was an unknown language. If we send a missionary to a foreign country and he does not know their speech and they don't know his speech, and a particular man knows both theirs and his, that man is asked to be an interpreter. The missionary says a few words, and then the interpreter speaks these words in the language of the people addressed. He understands. "Now," says Paul, "what good does it do to speak in unknown tongues unless you interpret?"

He shows again that this is the thought. He says, "If you give thanks in an unknown tongue, how shall he that is unlearned say, 'Amen,' to your giving thanks, since he does not understand what you say?" And how powerfully the reformers quoted that against the Roman Catholics whose public services were conducted in Latin whether anybody understood Latin or not. The reformers quote this passage and say, "How is that going to help the people? Speak it if you want to, but tell them what the Latin means.”…

I used to be a soldier, and every morning there was a certain bugle-sound called "reveille," which means "get up quick"; then a certain other sound of the trumpet meant, "saddle up," and a certain other sound meant, "mount," another very lively one meant, "Forward march." "Now," said Paul, "if a man just gets up and blows a noise out of a trumpet that doesn't signify anything, how can anybody prepare himself for battle?" Therefore he says, "I would rather speak five words to the church with my understanding than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue."
-B. H. Carroll, Interpretation of the English Bible, 1 Corinthians 14.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, June 25, AD 2013.

B. H. Carroll on Inspiration of Bible
B. H. Carroll on Pastors and Alcohol
L. R. Scarborough on Soul-Winning
Ancient Wine Production and the Bible
Other articles in lower right margin.


Monday, June 24, 2013

Is America A Christian Nation?

No, and yes. Let me explain. 


America is a secular government that practices freedom of religion. My church has freedom to worship and evangelize, but is not favored by the government over those of other denominations or faiths. There is no religious test for a politician other than what the public perceives. With enough votes a Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, etc. can be elected to office. Non Christian nations should not fear that America as a government is trying to spread or force religion on others. They do not force religion on their own people. Therefore, do not expect our government to bring Revival to America. That is up to God, and God’s people.

The American government, however, should do more to strongly promote religious liberty in countries around the world. Thank God for the cases in which they do.

By the way, Muslims are free to build their mosques in America and worship in safety. Why aren’t Christians free to build their churches in Saudi Arabia? And worship and evangelize in safety?

Americans are free to convert from one faith to another; why aren’t those in predominately Muslim countries free to do the same?


The majority of Americans have not placed their personal faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. And the majority of Americans certainly don’t live like followers of Jesus Christ.


America was founded on Christian principles by Christian people. That does not mean all the founders were perfect Christian people. But they had a profound respect and reliance on the Bible and Judeo-Christian beliefs. Their early writings often referred to God and the Bible. Our earlier monuments are filled with biblical references.

Why can’t we still make biblical references on governmental monuments today?

By the way, if Scripture on governmental property is not allowed today, perhaps churches and individuals should place Scripture on monuments and markers outside the churches, and on private property. Place them by sidewalks where they can be seen by the public.


In the broadest definition of Christian, the big majority of USA citizens claim Christianity as their religion as opposed to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.


True Christians are a strong moral influence in America. Thousands of Christian churches throughout the land proclaim the Word of God. Christianity and the Bible have had, and continue to have, a profound influence on the culture, morals, and government of the USA.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance. -Psalm 33:12

May God bring Revival to America.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, June 24, AD 2013.

Patriotism and Christian Worship
Why Should I Vote?
Other articles in lower right margin.   

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Thoughts on the Houston SBC, 2013

As usual, I enjoyed the fellowship with friends and preachers I had not seen in a year or more. Heard some gracious, encouraging comments on my two books and my mother’s Cookbook. Did so much walking and standing, my feet and legs paid for it for several days. Had an SBC hangover! 

Also enjoyed the Pre-SBC Bible Conference held at Southview Baptist Church, Rosharon, TX. Heard some great preaching and singing, and was pleasantly surprised at the SBC messengers from around the country who showed up.

SBC President Fred Luter seems to be doing a great job. He was reelected by acclamation. Glad to see Bart Barber elected as SBC First Vice-President.

The Calvinism Report seems to be generally well received. Two points in their report deserve note.

First, they affirm both Calvinists and non-Calvinists (aka Moderate Calvinists, Traditionalists) have been a part of the SBC since it’s beginning in 1845.

"We affirm that, from the very beginning of our denominational life, Calvinists and non-Calvinists have cooperated together.” -Calvinism Committee; 2013.

This affirmation is important because some of the New Calvinists have argued only strict Calvinists comprised the SBC for about its first 100 years.

Second, the statement said those who believe infants inherit Adam’s guilt, and those who believe infants do not inherit Adam’s guilt (both sides agree we inherit a sinful nature because of Adam) both fit within Southern Baptist orthodoxy.

“We agree that everyone has inherited Adam's hopelessly fallen sin nature, but we differ as to whether we also inherit his guilt. We agree that men and women are sinners, but we differ about the effects of sin on the mind and the will. We recognize the differences among us between those who believe that sin nullifies freedom to respond to the Gospel and those who believe that freedom to respond to the Gospel is marred but not nullified.”
-Calvinism Committee; 2013.

This is important because some have accused Traditionalists or non-Calvinists of being heretics or leaning toward heresy.

The Calvinist Statement will do some good, but both sides will continue to do what they’ve been doing. Perhaps it will quiet down the more extreme on both sides.

There seemed to be confusion by some that the SBC Pastor’s Conference was going to be all panel discussion, with no preaching. Some of the early schedules seemed to indicate that. I hope we continue to have revival type, and expository preaching at the Pastor’s Conference. Hope we continue to get great older, and younger preachers; traditional as well as contemporary preachers of the Gospel. I’d also like to see an evangelist or two preach each year at the Pastor’s Conference. Our evangelists have been too often neglected.

As always, there was good singing and preaching at the SBC. The Resolutions Committee presented some good resolutions. You can see the resolutions at sbc.net.

The display areas are always interesting to me. Calvinists had at least a couple of booths; non-Calvinists need to get a little more involved and have a booth or two as well. They also had some good hot dogs in the George R. Brown Convention Center.

Attendance was low this year, 5,103. I was present at the SBC that had a record 45,000 messengers. That was at the height of the SBC Conservative Resurgence. When there’s an incumbent President and no huge controversy, attendance is usually low.

But I believe more pastors and others need to commit to attend the annual SBC. And those who do, need to commit to be present when important business is taking place. We need to be more committed to voting for the President, First Vice-President, Second Vice President. We need to be ready to vote on Resolutions and motions.

During the 1960s and 1970s conservative pastors got in the habit of attending the SBC Pastor’s Conference, enjoying the preaching and fellowsip, and skipping the SBC business sessions; and the moderates took over. Dr. Williams, an HBU professor, told our class years ago that conservatives study their Bibles, and liberals study parliamentary procedure; and the liberals win every time. That changed in the Conservative Resurgence. But now many are regressing back to the old ways. Come to the SBC and vote your convictions! We need you.

Next year the SBC will be in Baltimore, Maryland. We will be electing a new president. It will be an important convention and conservatives need to start making plans to attend. It will be a sacrifice for you to attend, but one that needs to be made.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, June 18, AD 2013.

SBC Resolution on Tithing

Southern Baptist Convention, Houston, 2013 - Interesting Details

Other articles in lower right margin.

Monday, June 17, 2013

SBC Resolution on Tithing

June, 2013

WHEREAS, Biblical stewardship is a generous response of loving obedience that constitutes an essential part of our worship of God (2 Corinthians 9:6–7); and

WHEREAS, Tithing predates the Law of Moses (Genesis 14:20; 28:22; Hebrews 7:2) and is affirmed in the Old Testament (Numbers 18: 21–24) as well as in the New Testament (Luke 11:42); and

WHEREAS, The Scripture equates failure to tithe with robbing God (Malachi 3:8); and

WHEREAS, Christ affirmed the tithe (Matthew 23:23); and

WHEREAS, Proportional giving of at least a tithe is expected by God throughout Scripture (Numbers 18:21–24; 1 Corinthians 16:1–2; Hebrews 7:2); and

WHEREAS, Tithing is essential for Kingdom work through the local church and ministries around the world (1 Corinthians 9:13–14); and

WHEREAS, According to the Great Commission Task Force Report, Southern Baptists give just 2.5 percent of their annual income to the local church, demonstrating the need for Southern Baptists to teach and faithfully obey the biblical command to tithe; and

WHEREAS, The current economic climate and other factors have resulted in financial challenges for many of our churches and mission entities; and

WHEREAS, Faithful stewardship is a privilege and an honor for all Christians; and

WHEREAS, The Cooperative Program is funded solely by tithes, offerings, and gifts through the churches; and

WHEREAS, Cooperative Program giving from the churches has declined significantly from $548 million in 2007–2008 to $488 million in 2010–2011, reducing our support of missions and ministries by $60 million; and

WHEREAS, Frank S. Page, president of the SBC Executive Committee, has challenged Southern Baptist churches to increase their Cooperative Program giving by at least 1 percent; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, That the messengers to the Southern Baptist Convention meeting in Houston, Texas, June 11–12, 2013, exhort all Southern Baptists to tithe cheerfully and give sacrificially as good stewards of God’s blessings to their local churches; and be it further

RESOLVED, That Southern Baptists and Southern Baptist churches evaluate the faithfulness of their stewardship to financially support missionaries and ministries at home and abroad through the Cooperative Program and Great Commission Giving; and be it finally

RESOLVED, That we commend those who tithe faithfully in loving obedience to God.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, June 17, 2013.

Baptists on Tithing
Other articles in lower right margin.