Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alcohol And Drug Abuse Prevention Sunday - Free Resources

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Sunday or Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday is observed by Southern Baptists on the 3rd Sunday of March.

While this is on the SBC Calendar, it is up to the local church or Sunday School whether or not they participate. I encourage you to do so. It gives you a great opportunity to teach, preach, and distribute literature on the danger of alcohol and substance abuse. Many have never heard a sermon on alcohol.

Baptists have been encouraged to get more involved in this issue. For example, the SBC passed a 2006 Resolution saying in part,

“RESOLVED, That we urge Southern Baptists to be actively involved in educating students and adults concerning the destructive nature of alcoholic beverages…” -SBC Resolution, On Alcohol Use In America.

There are many ways to observe Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday, such as any of the following:

Preaching an entire sermon on alcohol and drug abuse.

At least make a point or two in the sermon on this subject.

A simple announcement in church and Sunday School.

A Sunday School lesson, or an addition to the lesson.

A note in the Church Bulletin.

A bulletin insert, or passing out literature that informs on this issue.

A book study on this topic.

By the way, if you’ve been hesitant to speak out on this issue, the official Alcohol & Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday gives you a great excuse and opportunity to do so.

The book Ancient Wine and the Bible has a wealth of sermon illustrations in it and is a good sermon resource for this emphasis. It also lists many additional resources.

I’d also encourage non-SBC churches to speak out on substance abuse.

A free resource for this day is listed below.

This PDF on Ancient Wine Production and the Bible can be copied and reproduced for free, provided the entire pamphlet is copied. It is designed to be easily printed, front and back, and folded, in bulletin form.

This can be used for Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Sunday, or any other occasion. It can be used as a handout, study guide, or bulletin insert. Your church name & address can be included on the back. It can also be used as a sermon resource. If it is of help, I’d love to hear back from you.



God willing, other free PDF resources will follow. You might want to use a different one each year.

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, February 26, AD 2013.


11 Reasons to Not Drink Alcohol
Ancient Wine and the Bible; the book

Biblical Principles Condemn Alcohol

Preserving Unfermented Wine in Bible Times

2006 SBC Resolution on Alcohol Use in America
About the Church Covenant
Dr. R. L. Sumner on "Ancient Wine and the Bible"
Other Articles in lower right margin.

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