Tuesday, April 16, 2019

SWBTS Stained-Glass Windows

The first one to plead his cause seems right, until his neighbor comes and examines him.  -Proverbs 18:17

The Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary stained-glass windows in the MacGorman Chapel (chapel built in 2011) were conceived as a way to honor the SBC Conservative Resurgence (that began in 1979), and honor some of those who participated in it.  The Conservative Resurgence emphasized the importance of the SBC standing for the inerrancy of the Bible.  The stained-glass windows were not inside the sanctuary, but around the outside of the outer halls.  Sitting in the worship area, the stained-glass windows were not seen at all. 

The stained-glass windows were approved by Paige and Dorothy Patterson, the SWBTS trustees, and, of course, the ones pictured on them and the many donors.  It was presented as a permanent recognition of the importance of the Conservative Resurgence (CR).  All the cost was provided for by private donations; none of the cost was from the SWBTS budget or the Cooperative Program. 

My family was honored when asked to be a part of it.  Our stained-glass window was above one of the outside exit doors.  While it depicted my dad and his three sons, we were most honored that it featured him.  Joe E. Brumbelow (AD 1930-2002) was a longtime small church pastor who was very committed to the Conservative Resurgence (see the book, Wit & Wisdom of Pastor Joe Brumbelow).  All of us were/are pastors active in the CR, and it was viewed as a way to represent the many, many small church pastors involved in the Conservative Resurgence. 

Each of the windows included a Scripture.  Our window featured, “Those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.” -Psalm 126:5.  Joe Brumbelow was known by some preachers as the weeping prophet, because of his tears, love for the lost, and his evangelism. 

Among those who participated in the Conservative Resurgence and featured in the stained-glass windows: 

Adrian Rogers, Bailey Smith, Jimmy & Carol Ann Draper, Charles Stanley, Jerry Vines, Ed Young, Morris Chapman, Johnny Hunt, Ronnie Floyd, O. S. Hawkins, Paige & Dorothy Patterson, Paul & Nancy Pressler, W. A. Criswell, Jack Pogue, Gerald Harris, Huber Drumwright, Rick Warren, Jim Richards, Bob Tenery, Richard Land, Barry McCarty, Homer Lindsay, Jimmy Jackson, Jerry Falwell, Chuck & Rhonda Kelley, Gary & Tammi Ledbetter, Russ Bush, David Allen, Jerry Sutton, Bill Harrell, Danny Watters, Tommy French, and others.  A window for Billy Graham, as well as several others had been paid for, but not yet installed. 

Without them, the SBC Conservative Resurgence would not have been accomplished.  Without them, instead of standing for the divine inspiration and inerrancy of the Bible, Southern Baptists would now be debating same-sex marriage, ordaining gays, abortion for any reason, and whether Jesus is the only way of salvation. 

Now the SWBTS trustees, along with the new administration, have reversed their previous commitment and removed all these stained-glass windows.  Numerous Baptists have wondered if it is a disregard of the Conservative Resurgence, as well as an attempt to erase all traces of the falsely accused and much maligned Pattersons.  Many are disappointed the new administration and trustees have made no attempts at reconciliation.  Pray for SWBTS.  Pray for the Southern Baptist Convention.  Time will tell. 

Note:  Some are accusing Paige Patterson of just about everything.  Among the false accusations have been that Paige was dishonest with the seminary funds.  His critics have said it would be very embarrassing for him if there was an audit of SWBTS.  Contrary to the critics, Paige Patterson has welcomed the possibility of a thorough, outside audit of SWBTS from today, going back over the last 15 or 16 years.  If done, among other things it would reveal many millions raised by the Pattersons for SWBTS. 

-David R. Brumbelow, Gulf Coast Pastor, April 16, AD 2019. 

Jerry Falwell displays stained-glass windows recently removed from Southwestern Seminary
Dr. Paige Patterson’s Letter to the Houston Chronicle 


Other Articles in lower right margin. 

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